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I've chosen today to talk about this topic so beautiful with a mother and also a doctor who has 25 years practicing her taking care of her children and of those who have need .She says that being a mother should to be prepared all the time and not ever feel fatigue because he's very nice, but at the same time there are also difficulties .She wants to talk to children because they have already become an inseparable part of her life, will now write everything a mother telling me about her child care that is also benefiting a pediatrician.

    Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period and not the day of issue of sperm into the uterus .

    The reason for this is that a small number of women ( 10-15 % ) has the complete cycle which lasts 28 days , so it can not be calculated precisely when the day happened union of the sperm with the egg cell.
    About the sixth day after   blastocysts co duality uterine mucosa captured and inserted into the makuzal until uterine tissue covering it entirely .
At this moment  pregnancy has already begun and the embryonic node has become  a disk copy. Now it feeds trophoblasts which grow close
    uterine mucosa . Now for the first time mother feeds and protects it .

    Fourth Week
    Now zygote reaches the uterus to float freely for a bit and then amplified for  uterine mucosa . Develop centers of which organs develop  that are necessary to continue further  pregnancy . Embryonic disk becomes oval . Embryo seen has the size of a point .

    Week Five
    In the fifth week of the nervous system begins to develop , sensitive organs , epithelial tissue , lungs , intestines , bone tissue , muscles , urinary tract  and genitals . At the end of this week the embryo is in
    about 2 mm and each day approximately doubled the volume . the disk   and external respiratory organs . On one side of the embryo
    announced a set of which will take place in the head while
    Conversely tail formed a bulk of which will be lost  and she will remain only bones .
    Heart tube and indicates an extension formed the heart of it .
    Relationship with blood circulation and thus placed with the mother 's hormones are formed embryo in the mother's blood stream .

    Week six
    True heart has not yet taken its final form. It consists of two channels connected to the blood capillaries and so circulation is established and heart " knocking " .
    In ultrasound embryo is seen in the form of several parallel lines between  which shows the work of the heart and now surely know that the baby is  alive . The embryo now has the head , base of the brain and raised four of which will later be formed hands and feet . now formed
    lips , jaws and teeth ten follicles . The embryo now has length  6 mm and weighs 1-2 grains as apple seeds .

    Week Seven
    Of those four elevations now already formed hands and feet and
    noticed signs that will grow fingers . Backbone and  already been developed brain , head looks like human but is larger  the body and the body is turned to . At the end of the seventh week  ultrasound (not all cases ) observed short head movements  front and back and the last part of the body moves sideways . The embryo now  has a length of 13 mm .

    Week eight
    Although most vital organs are formed they still do not perform
    function. Embryo heart knocks two times faster than an adult person 's heart , is, about 140 to 150 times per minute . Now are our eyes , ears and lips that could pave the embryo . Hands and feet  are long enough so that the baby can move and these changes are  in ultrasound .  Beba  has length 2.2 cm and weighs 2.5 grams .

    Week Nine
    In this week palms and fingers are better developed than
    feet and toes . Beba now makes movements more
    complex including rotation , removal and approaching hand .
    The length of the baby receives is now 3.5 cm and weighs 3 grams .

    Week ten
    Fingers are fully developed and formed joints . head grows quickly because the country needed for the brain . The tail has been  There is no longer present . Remains 3.5 cm length and weight increase  and made
​​5 grams .

    Week Eleven
    Beba now called a fetus and not an embryo . This means that in this
    week ends the development of all the organs of the head . Critical periods of sensitivity has already passed . Ovaries and testicles are formed , formed the males penis . Head  is 1/3 of the length of the
    body. Fetal length is 5.5 cm and now weighs 10 grams .

    Week Twelve
    In this week 's round head seen and symmetric . Eyes seen  closed , spine , hands and feet . The fetus floats and you cuddle even though the mother does not see this . Cage movements begin resemble chest and breathing . Now fetus has length 6.5 cm and weighs 18 grams .

    Week thirteen
    Your baby now exercises the muscles of the lips that are necessary for  suction . head is not disproportionate as compared to the body.
    The length is now 7.5 cm and weight 30 grams .

    Week Fourteen

14  week all body parts together and evolve.  Position receives head that resembles the head of the born. Neck is more developed and fetal chin to chest no longer supported. This week fetus has length 9 cm and weight 60 grams.
For mothers: should be released, you spent the first three months to the full tribulation ... now is quiet. If you are pregnant for the first time it is now time to Wear fresh clothes pregnancy, but if it's the first pregnancy still have time for this.
    Week Fifteen

    This week the baby starts to suck thumb !
    The baby is like a man , legs are longer than the skeleton hands and is well developed . Many are now also developed nerve center . Nerves of the brain developed and will shortly start to go the information from other bodies in the brain and other organs of the brain . The baby was 12 cm length and weighs 100 grams .

    Week sixteen

    With various facial movements , your fetus expresses the feelings of his , but unfortunately it does not appear on ultrasound . This week fetal lungs develop and the child does breathing exercises every day . Now fetus has length 16 cm and weight 135 grams .
    For mothers : Mothers who have been pregnant before can now feel their babies movements . Now is the time for check- in ultrasound .

    Week seventeen

    This week presented eyebrows and eyelashes . Beba has a length of 18 cm and weight 185 grams . For Mother : Hormonal Balance is regulated , and you turn the desire for intimate relationships .

    Week Eighteen

    Fetal skin is translucent and thin because there is not yet the subcutaneous tissue . This week your baby develop ears and now hears your heart and intestinal work ... these are the sounds that will teach your baby , and this can show the baby after birth when you put your baby to the breast support . Beba has length 21 cm and weight 235 grams
    For mothers : Now you can feel their babies movements . Your weight should be added to the beginning of pregnancy until now only 4 kg , and caution in excessive eating . Keep oral hygiene .

    Nineteen week

    Increasing the baby receives is not very fast , now it adds more weight . Formed fatty tissue which helps regulate body temperature . Formed follicles of the permanent teeth . Beba has length 23 cm and weight 285 grams
    For mothers : your belly now grows about 20 % .

    Twentieth Week

in subcutaneous the fetus begins to form " vernix kazeoza " a dash of white skin which protects the fetus from the amniotic fluid . The fetus responds to touch , slight pressure causes palpative maternal fetal movements . If the baby is female at this time would be formed uterus and vaginal canal which will take place gradually . Length is 25.5 cm faith and Pasha 340 grams .
    Week twenty- one

    In all the skin of the fetus will notified" lanugo " , small hairs and rare . Listening is so developed that the baby can he heard voices outside . Now faith is the length of 28 cm and 400 grams.
    For mothers : Caution food balance .

    Twenty- second week

    Centers of the brain develop more quickly , especially those that are responsible for thinking , learning and memory . Even bones are now significantly stronger and the skin becomes thicker and lessinvisibile .
    For mothers : It is possible to appear in expanding venous problems . The baby moves even more especially when you Hence a rest .

    Twenty- third week

    Fetal body size now is Definitely in proportion to the size of the head of the fetus resembles newborn . If the male is now well developed scrotum , and if female ovaries , which contain millions of egg cells that begin to destroy the fare to remain at birth only 10 % of them . The baby receives length is 31 cm and 440 grams Pasha .
    For mothers : Although time is probably not too cold you will feel cold because the multiplication of homoneve !

    Twenty- fourth week

    Your baby has developed circadian rhythm , and notice how this changes the activity of the baby all day , sometimes it is more active then the weakest to complete serenity . Hearts can be heard over a basin. Now there length 33 cm and weight 500 grams .
    For mothers : The body moon to appear a few black stripes that disappear after birth , their cause was the multiplication of hormones .

    Twenty- fourth week

    Brain development is more complicated because even develop other functions which are necessary for babies after birth . The baby grows 1 cm and adds 100 grams other .
    For mothers : announced afflictions such as restrictions , breathing more difficult .

    Twenty- six weeks

    Fat in the subcutaneous tissue developed further with the addition of weight . Now has a length of 35 cm and weight 700 grams .
    For mothers : If you notice that the breasts out a yellow liquid do not worry, it is about kolostorumin , the first milk which usually occurs before birth and it is not abnormal if you notified now .

    Week twenty- seven

    The eye lids are so developed as your baby can open his eyes and looks at your womb , but also notes of light that penetrates through the layers of the abdomen . Rattle your baby swallowing and suck your thumb while breathing exercise . If your baby is born prematurely now likely to survivors . Baby receives length is 36 cm and 800 grams Pasha .
    For mothers : Prepare for the birth , your only lingamentet is released ... This release and the pain caused constriction can call and any future pregnancy this pain can be even greater.

    Week twenty

    Now as your child breathes breathing after birth , only that now inhale and exhale amniotic fluid .
    Baby receives length is 37 cm and weights 900 grams .

    Week twenty-nine

    In the fetal ultrasound seen all the details of each body . Grow hair on the head . Fetal length is 38 cm and weight 1000 grams .
    For mothers : Your body takes an interesting form in order to use as little space for your growing baby receives . When your organs found in the abdominal cavity above the diaphragm raised , your chest cage will expand to several centimeters and lungs were thus provided greater space . Your lungs working efficiently and derive the greatest amount of air compared to the time before pregnancy . Each athlete will notice this .

    Week thirty

    In this week 's increase the amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue . Beba opens his eyes and sees the womb and thus exercises the muscles that will later be able to fix pictures .
    Now baby receives length is 39 cm and weight 1100 grams .
    For mothers : Problems Overnight grow more and more . You inhibits abdominal spine can not lie and you are worried . For this reason , when you can take advantage of the opportunity to sleep !

31 Week

    Bodies are fully formed except for lung are not completely open air to the alveoli can freely enter them .
    Baby receives length is 40 cm and weight 1400 grams .
    For mothers : In recent weeks the baby releases about 0.5 l per day in urine and amniotic fluid absorbs slightly less than this amount during the day . Perhaps this sounds unpleasant but is sterile feces baby receives . The large amount of amniotic fluid shows that babies are not quite swallow it and therefore can be reported more serious problems . Could also announced uterine contractions .

    Thirtieth week

    Baby receives skin color changes from red to dark pink . Baby takes a certain position in the womb which means that there is conclusive. Baby receives length is 40.5 cm and weight 1600 grams .
    For mothers : Mithras has grown quite a lot and the larger ranks of the abdominal cavity . Edema in hands and feet were normal . If notified in the upper body and face immediately see a doctor !

31 Week

    The envelope of the fetal abdomen , which covers the skin becomes thicker . Nails on all fingers grow . Now the baby takes the final position with the head turned from the opening of the cervix . The length of the baby receives now is 41.5 cm and weight 1800 grams .
    For mothers : The navel occur some changes : When babies with spine rely on it will go out , and when removed it will return to his country.

34 Week

    Although the lungs are completely formed is not certain that the baby will not have a problem with breathing . Baby receives length is 43 cm and weight 2300 grams .

    Thirty-fifth week

    Will reduce the amount of amniotic fluid . Mithras  will be extended temporarily . Sometimes the baby moves .
    Baby receives length is 44.5 cm and weight 2300 grams .

    Week thirty

    If the baby is born now likely to live in 100 % of cases . The length is 46 cm and weight 2500 grams .
    For mothers : It is possible that the baby receives issued head down , but it is likely that this occurs shortly before birth . If this happens you can breathe more easily because of reduced pressure in the abdominal cavity and lungs can move freely .

    Week thirty seven

    Your baby loses hair which has been folded into the whole body except the arms, hands and legs . Beba now produces its own hormones . Most important of these is cortisone which helps in the final maturation of the lungs . Now baby receives length is 47 cm and weight 2750 grams .

    Week thirty

    The baby is ready for birth. Has intestines filled with which has dark green color and is the first stools that will draw your baby . This content causes bowel movement and this movement can draw intestinal excretion during birth , but it usually occurs after birth . Testes in males are released into scrotum ( bag ) . Baby receives length is 48 cm and weight 3000 grams .
    For mothers : Problems with defecation grow . Eat boiled fruit and kiwi !

    Week thirty

    Bodies of work as work baby receives after birth .
    Baby receives length is 49 cm and weight 3200 grams .

    Forty Week

    The baby was taken to the most appropriate position to go outside . Body is leaning .
    Baby receives length is 50 cm and weight of 3500-4000 grams .
    For mothers : Congratulations ! Every moment is expected to go to the east , all the struggles for a few moments to complete and will only remember the good moments .

This is the description of the development of children in the womb.

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