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Women yesterday and today - Women in Democracy

 Women yesterday and today
Historically, women generally have had a little protection of the rights and less power than men. This is a general tendency to exceed the limits
of state, class and ethnicity. Researchers have traditionally been less interested in the country and the situation of women in society, so we know more about the lives of men than of women.

Processes of democratization in the Western world began in the late1800's. workers and peasants fought against the upper classesand senior officials. They were organized in unions and political parties, that at that time were closed to women.
 They stress that gender alone does not indicate biological changes, but it has and of great importance for the state of the citizen in society.
There is a link between biological and social sex where women are presented systematically worse than men in economic life and cultural policy.
Until the end of 60 years in Norwegian society salary man working with and cared for the family economy, while women deal with household chores and cared for children, the elderly and other family members.
 Although the husband, as a rule, was the economic pillars of the family, women often do rule the house.
Despite this, few women who worked outside the home wage.
 In politics had less than 10% women, as elected representatives of the people and places important in political work and owned by men. 
Gender equality at the same time as the issues of the day came in the political and cultural life. 

Demands for equality were formulatedby energetic women who mobilized 
their counterparts in the firstmovement of women. 
Women entered the alliance with progressivemen in political and cultural life and many 
great writers, both withinand outside the country, as well as numerous politicians committedto the cause of women. 
Organizations and unions were establishedto fight for women's rights and the rights to vote, women who workedat the same time were better organized.
 Formulation became morerequests and thus women won the right authority and ownershipover their assets, and the same right of inheritance as men. They won the right to deal with trade and handicraft, as well as teachers.little by little, women won the right to higher education and the rightto have official positions. 
Fight to win the right to vote lasted about 30years after women had less importance.    

Although women were formally equal rights with men, only a small number of women have economic independence and political influence same as men. turning was about 70 years where the woman began to work with salary and was involved in political life, which led to the development and choice of many important problems of society.
The rapid development after 70 years does not mean that brought a full equality in all fields between men and women, but it illustrates the fact that the division of labor and power relations between men and women can change quickly.
to understand the changes and the situation today, we must look behind the stories with a gender perspective. even we have to look critically and with the traditional view that science has drawn for women.
development rights and access to decision-making arena has beenvery different for men, women.
men took more positions in themarket by occupation and professional organizations that support inparticular the strengthening of the rights and influence on equalitybetween men.
 political party development was crucial for men toopen doors of the state, ie, to give them legislative positions andexercises through representation in the parliament, government and the people elected bodies at regional and local levels. born in thecivil society more and more voluntary organizations that mobilizemen politically. 
organizations did to break new issues in the agenda of policy and environments important political education influencedthe growth of political consciousness and competence of their members.

Well, the history of women is much different than that of men, as they had a very low position. But many important volunteer organizationcomposed mainly of women. 
And this helped in the development ofwelfare in society and the establishment of many institutions withinthe health sector and social him. 
Women were health professionals and social and political problems. 

These organizations helpedwomen's equality with men and women broke barriers between apublku dominated by men and the private sphere dominated bywomen. 
they also helped to met the demands of women andencourage participation in politics, that gave women influence the development of legal state and the welfare state.
in the first years after the Second World War, the policy that was pursued for women was ambiguous. 

Pursued a policy to anotherpolicy for mothers and daughters.
 purpose of politics, whichfollowed the mothers was associated with the needs of familynucleus, where a salary should be enough to feed the family. womenwere housewives, while men held the family. 
Meanwhile, state propstrongly developing "unique school" whose aim was to introducesecondary education dhuke care of social origin, place of residenceand gender.
 it had great importance for girls was established astate loan for young people to study, and many girls had mndesi tofinance their studies.

Later, the rebellion against the traditional policy of abandoningmothers and politically in the shadow of women's organizationsbecame mobilizing new and old ideas about oppression, violence,and exploitation. 
The ultimate goal was equally treatment of girlsand boys, women and men. these women did make an effort topolitically and was the main driver of the big turnaround in society.
Today's society is what we noticed? 
Today, girls and boys haveequal opportunities to continue school, economic growth hasincreased and the need for labor, women entered the work and with this they were opened and used the opportunity to expand theirskills and resources. 
education policy that women did qualify andseek to work in their profession. 
But not only young women enteredthe work but also a good number of married women and it broughtchange in the number employed between men and women.
 in thiscase women gained economic independence from men and areless dependent on them. New technology has simplified the Stationand made the woman to have more time to be engaged outside the home.
 a different technology such as prevention of pregnancy, andfurther strengthen the independence of women.
previously had not happened that women had more than 25% ofministerial posts but today women are 37% of the representatives at the local level, while regional and country level have remained inplace, the need to work more in this direction.
 incentive for the entryof women in politics have been rules about gender quotas thatincluded political parties, to ensure women a certain part of politicalrepresentatives. 
formally, the government is not connected with anygender quota rule, however, in practice, following this rule to not losefaith.

So in short everything has changed and evolved continuously, andequality is the first basic principle in social life. Elections belong toall members of the family without making distinctions. can anyonegive ideas or thoughts on certain issues without making genderdistinctions, and these ideas and thoughts in some way taken astuitions of different conversations.
cultural level is higher nowadays and why there are still patriarchal family where the husband's word prevails and anyone tjeter.gjithsesicompanies are in continuous development in all aspects of cultural,political, social etc..